Baumie Ristretto Downtube

Baumie Ristretto Downtube
Guess the brand?

Thursday, June 10, 2010


People think they have it under control...

They want to feel it,

They are worried about it when they have it,

They freak out when they don't have it...

I say...

Let go...

Don't know why I'm ranting this today, but somehow Weight Weenies taking away the 2010 Pro Thread on their Forum really pissed me off! Now where am I gonna spend meaningless internet hours??? Where do I see the bits that other bicycle nuts pointed out which I missed (D*MMIT!), where do I???

mmm... must be PMSing, its been a stressful past couple weeks since I last posted, sprinkled with some life changing and life defining moments.

i'll blog more on everything soon! I promise! Just gotta get them darn pictures off the camera.

Now where's that camera...

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