Baumie Ristretto Downtube

Baumie Ristretto Downtube
Guess the brand?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Giro d'Italia- almost...

Ok! To all those who have been *hinging and *hining about me not updating the blog, here's Part 1 of 3 of the topics I'm supposed to update on!

Well... its really i'm still a lazy fat arse and still have not got round to photographing the REAL new and improved PASSI:ONE:


I'm too tired and i'm gonna sleep first... =)
Update tom...

Andiamo domani like an old friend used to say... He got it wrong though! =) But to me, it still says: 'See ya Tomorrow'
Kinda sad when I remember his voice, but I still believe one day we'll laugh with each other again... someday...

ciao!~ buona notte

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha! what an update! ok but i can't complain cos it's still an update!! :p

